Giving is an opportunity to worship God and honor Him with our generousity. Because Cornerstone is donor-funded we greatly appreciate all the support of the mission God has given to us. An offering box is located in our sanctuary where cash or cheques are gratefully received. If marked, a tax receipt will be issued (giving envelopes are available).
To send an e-transfer, simply log into your banking app and send funds to Please clearly state in the message section if the donation is for General Fund or Facilities Fund. If you are a first time giver, please include your address in "message" section. E-transfers are set up for automatic acceptance, so no password is needed.
The pre-authorized debit program is a convenient way for you to give regularly. Our bookkeepeer administers this program on a monthly basis. You can choose for your donation to be withdrawn on the first or fifteenth of the month. To enroll, please complete the Pre-authorized Debit application below and email it to
II Corinthians 8:7