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What does the road ahead look like for Cornerstone Neighbourhood Church?  That is a very good question!  There have recently been many detours in our ministry road.  And we could spend lots of time analyzing and agonizing over the adjustments which we have had to make.  In I Corinthians 16:9 the apostle Paul described his ministry road this way:  "a great door for effective work has opened to me, and there are many who oppose me."  Like Paul, we shouldn't shrink from recogizing roadblocks.  However, the main focus of our attention must be on the opportunities.  Even in this challenging season God is opening "doors for effective work"!  Throughout August we are presenting a "new door" which we are calling "Home Groups" which we tentatively plan to launch on September 13.

Below you will find...

Home Group Structure  -  outlines this "missional community" model of doing church, which will help us move forward, despite the challenges presented by the pandemic.

Home Group Survey  -  please give us your feedback on six questions;  return your survey to Pastor Brent in person or at