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Well, we are winding down to our final worship service at our current Maple Woods location.  And though we continue to search for a “Monday-to-Saturday” space, as of April 5 - Palms Sunday - we will gather for our first weekly worship service at...

Webster's Corners Elementary School

5554 Dewdney Trunk Road, Maple Ridge

We still believe a “ministry center” would provide for reception, administration, meetings, and classes during the week.  In the mean time, our minsitry staff are getting ready to work out of their homes.  Come out on Saturday, March 28, at 8 am for breakfast provided by our men's ministry.  After breakfast, we will be having a moving bee to get many church items into storage.

This past week a storage trailer was purchased.  So following the worship service on March 29, all the equipment used for our Sunday worship will be packed into the trailer, ready for it to be brought to Webster's Corners the following week.

Thank you for praying for this transition for Cornerstone.  You can also help with set up.  Just let us know.  And remember that God’s promise from Isaiah 55:12 still holds true for us – “For you shall go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and the hills before you shall break forth into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.”  Please speak with one of the members of the Facilities Team if you have any input or questions about our move to new facilities.