At the close of John’s Gospel there is a story that reveals a common human tendency. We have all been there. We see the success of a close friend or colleague. Perhaps it is an exciting career advancement. Maybe it is the acquisition of a new car or home. All of a sudden, strong emotions well up within us. We are faced with a choice. Will we allow these feelings to bloom into envy and jealousy?
In the Bible story, Peter received a powerful, personal commission from Jesus. He was called to feed Christ’s sheep. What an important responsibility! Yet, immediately on the heels of this privileged assignment, Peter asked Jesus, “What about him, Lord?” (John 21:22) The other disciple in question was John. Though he was the Gospel writer, he only referred to himself as “the disciple whom Jesus loved” (v.20). Now…was Peter merely curious about John? Or was envy or jealousy bubbling up in his heart? Whatever was brewing within Peter, it was necessary for Jesus to rebuke him.
Listen to the response of Jesus: “If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? As for you, follow me.” How quickly Peter turned his focus from the amazing assignment he had been given to compare with the calling of another. When we are plunging into jealousy, there is a strong antidote: to lean into the calling and circumstances that Jesus has graciously prepared for us.
Why are we so prone to make comparisons? Why do we constantly assess our place in life by the success of others? This is not unique to us...or to Peter. We see such responses throughout Biblical history. So, when someone else gets the promotion or new possession, we need the same challenge: “what is that to you?” This rebuke is not harsh when we recognize that to be envious is to ignore or disregard the personal calling God upon our own life!
In his book The Call (Thomas Nelson, 2003, 126-7) author Os Guiness writes, “When Jesus calls, He calls us one by one. Comparisons are idle, speculations about others a waste of time, and envy as silly as it is evil. We are each called individually, accountable to God alone, to please Him alone, and eventually to be approved by Him alone. If ever we are tempted to look around, compare notes, and use the progress of others to judge the success of our own calling, we will hear what Peter heard: “What is that to you? Follow Me!”
In II Corinthians 10 Paul expressed his commitment to God’s calling. “We will not boast beyond limits, but will boast only with regard to the area of influence God assigned to us to reach even to you…We do not boast beyond limit in the labors of others….Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord. For it is not the one who commends himself who is approved, but the one whom the Lord commends.” (vv.13,15,17-18)
As we enter a new year, there will be many people around us whose careers, possessions, and opportunities will take a leap forward. A quick scroll through Facebook will reveal holidays and experiences that we will not have. However, as a follower of Jesus, you have a unique, privileged assignment to love, follow, and serve Jesus! Do not let comparison and jealousy distract you from the joy of His calling on your life. Let us enter 2025 practicing the wisdom and way of Christ, “Be happy with those who are happy, and weep with those who weep.” (Romans 12:15)